Spa: Conversation and Composition
Spa: Conversations in Cultural Context
Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish 202 or its equivalent
Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish 317 (Conversation & Composition I) or its equivalent
Prerequisite: SPA 311 or equivalent or instructor’s permission
The writers studied in this course include Rosario Castellanos (Mexico), Gioconda Belli (Nicaragua), Bokhara de Angelica Gorodischer (Argentina), and Angela Hernandez (Republica Dominicana). However, rather than studying their works just from a literary perspective, you will explore their writings to develop a more profound understanding of key issues facing women of diverse racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds throughout Latin America.
In addition, an important component of this course will be a weekly community engagement project, through which you will engage in participant observation of and service to a Mexican feminist organization. Through such engagement, you will be able to talk directly with Mexican feminists about course topics and conduct research for a final independent project.
Prerequisite: Spanish 317 or its equivalent.